Author Archives: Julie Parker

5 seats left!

I only have 5 more openings for my workshop!  You can see details here.  The workshop will be held in Farmington in a fabulous and super comfy home theater. To reserve your seat, choose an option from the drop down menu and hit the pay now button or contact me at to make other payment...

Published in Waterski Magazine!

One of my crazy unreachable goals I set for myself was to be published in Waterski Magazine.  There’s nothing like seeing your pictures in print in your very favorite magazine!  My friend Thomas Gustafson took the cover shot of Utah’s own Nick Parsons….maybe one day I’ll get a cover shot! I took this shot of...

Sweethearts dance

I’m not quite sure how I got suckered into decorating and hosting the dinner, taking the dance pictures, providing the pre-dance entertainment and transportation, but it was really fun!!  Avery performing a song she wrote. Messing around with some painting with light pictures before the dance.